The 200+ Best Italy Travel Quotes & Captions for Instagram

Italy is one country that has it all. 

From the historic sites in Rome, the romantic canals in Venice and the scenic islands in Amalfi coast; to the mountainous landscape of the Dolomites, the lush vineyards in Tuscany and the old-world charm of Naples – there is and always has been no dearth of incredible places to visit in Italy. It is a country whose numerous sightseeing gems come second only to its delicious food.

With all this to offer (and more), it is no shocker that Italy is one of the most visited countries in the world. It is a place that has inspired famous works of many artists, historians and writers globally. Although there is a lot that has been said about Italy previously, it can still be difficult to find the right words to express your feelings about it sometimes.

So if you have been to Italy recently and are looking to find captions for your next Italy post on Instagram, then worry not! In this article, you’ll find over 200 of the best quotes and captions related to Italy travel. From quotes about famous Italian cities, regions and landmarks; to funny Italy and Italian food puns – I have searched the world wide web for you and collected my favourite Italy quotes and captions.

I hope you find them inspirational, uplifting, helpful and hilarious for your next social media post!

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Famous Italy Quotes and Captions for Instagram

From popular movie dialogues and book quotes to renowned words by celebrities and novelists, here are some well-known short quotes and captions about Italy for you.

  1. “For sure, in Italy, the sun always shines.” – Aleksandar Mitrovic

2. “You may have the universe if I may have Italy.” – Giuseppe Verdi

3. “We are all pilgrims who seek Italy.” – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

4. “Italy is a dream that keeps returning for the rest of your life.” – Anna Akhmatova

5. “Open my heart and you will see, graved inside of it, Italy.” – Robert Browning

6. “Even now I miss Italy dearly, I dream about it every night.” Eila Hiltunen

7. “Thou Paradise of exiles, Italy!” Percy Bysshe Shelley

8. “Italy is my destiny; it calls to me to return home.”  Melissa Muldoon

9. “The name of Italy has magic in its very syllables.” Mary Shelley

10. “The Creator made Italy from designs by Michaelangelo.” Mark Twain

11. “Italy offers one the most priceless of all one’s possessions – one’s own soul.”  Barbara Grizzuti Harrison

12. “I gasp for air if I don’t get to breathe Italian air once a year.”  Danny Meyer

13. “Italy is a geographical expression.”  Klemens von Metternich

14. “…is there anywhere in the world as full of beauty as Italy?”  Natalia Sanmartín Fenollera

15. “The most stylish country in the world is Italy.”  Nick Rhodes

16. “Italy’s siren call lures us more and more.” Frances Mayes

17. “When in Italy, you definitely need a vespa.”

18. “Italy is a country where pleasure principle dominates.” Sari Gilbert

Inspiring Italy Quotes and Captions for Instagram

If you are looking for inspirational quotes and captions about Italy, then some of the ones mentioned below might be the encouragement you need to plan a trip there pronto.

19. “Italy will never be a normal country. Because Italy is Italy. If we were a normal country, we wouldn’t have Rome. We wouldn’t have Florence. We wouldn’t have the marvel that is Venice.”  Matteo Renzi

20. “And don’t, let me beg you, go with that awful tourist idea that Italy’s only a museum of antiquities and art. Love and understand the Italians, for the people are more marvellous than the land” E. M. Forster

21. “I find other countries have this or this, but Italy is the only one that has it all for me. The culture, the cuisine, the people, the landscape, the history. Just everything to me comes together there.”  Frances Mayes

22. “Put a compass to paper and trace a circle. Then tell me which other country has such a concentration of places like Amalfi, Naples, Ischia, Procida, Sorrento, Positano, Pompeii, and Capri.”  Diego Della Valle

23. “One of the great joys of traveling through Italy is discovering firsthand that it is, indeed, a dream destination.” –Debra Levinson

24. “What is the fatal charm of Italy? What do we find there that can be found nowhere else? I believe it is a certain permission to be human, which other places, other countries, lost long ago.” – Erica Jong

25. “And I do believe that Italy really purifies and ennobles all who visit her. She is the school as well as the playground of the world.”  E. M. Forster

26. “No matter where I’ve been overseas, the greatest joy was moving into Italy. Italy has changed me, for the better.”  Efrat Cybulkiewicz

27. “A man who has not been in Italy is always conscious of an inferiority, from his not having seen what it is expected a man should see.”  Samuel Johnson

28. “Italian cities have long been held up as ideals, not least by New Yorkers and Londoners enthralled by the ways their architecture gives beauty and meaning to everyday acts.”  Rebecca Solnit

29. “I was offered a free villa in Hollywood, but I said no thank you, I prefer to live in Italy.”  Ennio Morricone

Meaningful Italy Quotes and Captions

It is no secret that a trip to Italy leaves a long-lasting impression on travellers. If you are looking for expressive quotes and captions to best explain your time in Italy, then you might find some of the ones listed below befitting.

30. “In America, one must be something, but in Italy, one can simply be.”  Pietros Maneos

31. “People need Italy to be reminded of how to see beauty in ruins and permanence in transience.”  Unknown

32. “For us to go to Italy and to penetrate into Italy is like a most fascinating act of self-discovery.”  D. H. Lawrence

33. “Traveling is the ruin of all happiness! There’s no looking at a building after seeing Italy.” Fanny Burney

34. “If the landscape of human emotion were to exist in a country, it would be in Italy.” Lisa Fantino

35. “Everything in Italy that is particularly elegant and grand borders upon insanity and absurdity or at least is reminiscent of childhood.”  Alexander Herzen

36. “Your Italy and our Italia are not the same thing. Italy is a soft drug peddled in predictable packages, such as hills in the sunset, olive groves, lemon trees, white wine, and raven-haired girls. Italia, on the other hand, is a maze. It’s alluring, but complicated. It’s the kind of place that can have you fuming and  purring in the space of a hundred meters, or in the course of ten minutes. Italy is the only workshop in the world that can turn out both Botticellis and Berlusconis.”  Beppe Severgnini

37. “Italy, and the spring and first love all together should suffice to make the gloomiest person happy.” Bertrand Russell

38. I love places that have an incredible history. I love the Italian way of life. I love the food. I love the people. I love the attitudes of Italians.”  Elton John

39. “Move to Italy. I mean it: they know about living in debt; they don’t care. I stayed out there for five months while I was making a film called ‘Order Of Death,’ and they’ve really got it sussed. Nice cars. Sharp suits. Great food. Stroll into work at 10. Lunch from 12 till three. Leave work at five. That’s living!”  John Lydon

40. “When life gives you twists and turns, chique yourself up in Italy!” Barbara Conelli

41. “A man has not fully lived until he experiences that gentle balmy clime of ancient empires, the land of lemon trees and the genius of Michelangelo.”   E.A. Bucchianeri

42. “She had always been fond of history, and here [in Rome] was history in the stones of the street and the atoms of the sunshine.”  Henry James

Best Italy Quotes and Captions about Rome

Oh Rome! If you are looking for Rome quotes and captions to best express the lasting impression this incredible city has left on you, then you might find some of the words below apt.

43. “When in Italy, you Rome.”  Punny Leone

44. “Italy has changed. But Rome is Rome.”  Robert De Niro

45. “To Rome, for everything.”  Miguel de Cervantes

46. “Rome is everybody’s memory.”  Eleanor Clark

47. “All roads lead to Rome.”

48. “Rome was a poem pressed into service as a city.”  Anotole Broyard

49. “Rome is not like any other city. It’s a majestic museum, a living room to tiptoe through.”  Alberto Sordi

50. “For someone who has never seen Rome, it is hard to believe how beautiful life can be.”  Unknown

51. “You fall in love with Rome very slowly, little by little, but if it happens, it will be for a lifetime…”  Nikolaj Gogol

52. “I am a sucker for those old traditional places, and Rome is as good as it gets, particularly when you throw in Italian food.”  Roger Federer

53. “If we could be reborn wherever we chose, how crowded Rome would be, populated by souls who had spent their previous lives longing to inhabit a villa on the Janiculum Hill.”  Francine Prose

54. “Methinks I will not die quite happy without having seen something of that Rome of which I have read so much.”  Walter Scott

55. “Rome is the city of echoes, the city of illusions, and the city of yearning.”  Giotto di Bondone

56. “Rome seems a comfort to those with the ambitious soul of an Artist or a Conqueror.”  Pietros Maneos

57. “Rome has not seen a modern building in more than half a century. It is a city frozen in time.”  Richard Meier

58. “Rome knew love, better than I ever could, so I let the city take her hand, and followed close behind, picking up the pieces of her melting heart.”  Atticus

59. “Rome, the city of visible history.” George Eliot

60. “Rome will exist as long as the Coliseum does; when the Coliseum falls, so will Rome; when Rome falls, so will the world.”  Venerable Bede

61. “Rome has grown since its humble beginnings that it is now overwhelmed by its own greatness.”  Livy

62. “If I’m in Rome for only 48 hours, I would consider it a sin against God to not eat cacio e pepe, the most uniquely Roman of pastas, in some crummy little joint where Romans eat. I’d much rather do that than go to the Vatican. That’s Rome to me.”  Anthony Bourdain

Best Italy Quotes and Captions about Venice

Bird’s eye perspective of Venice

Looking for Venice quotes and captions instead? It is a one of a kind place that has inspired many beautiful words. Here are some of the best lines written about beautiful Venice:

63. “Venice is eternity itself.”  Joseph Brodsky

64. “If I could rename love, I’d call it VENEZIA.”  Conny Cernik

65. “When I went to Venice my dream became my address.”  Marcel Proust

66. “Venice is like eating an entire box of chocolate liqueurs in one go.”  Truman Capote

67. “If you read a lot, nothing is as great as you’ve imagined. Venice is – Venice is better.”  Fran Lebowitz

68. “An orange gem resting on a blue glass plate: it’s Venice seen from above.” Henry James

69. “Venice, the most touristy place in the world, is still just completely magic to me.”  Frances Mayes

70. “When I seek another word for ‘music,’ I never find any other word than ‘Venice’.”  Friedrich Nietzsche

71. “Venice is incredible. Although you may have seen it in pictures, you can’t grasp how beautiful it is until you visit.”  Gino D’Acampo

72. “I will never forget experiencing Venice for the first time. It feels like you are transported to another time – the art, music, food and pure romance in the air is like no other place.”  Elizabeth Berkley

73. “If I could live in one city and do every single thing I do there, I would choose Venice. You can’t turn your head without seeing something amazing.”  Nile Rodgers

74. “A realist, in Venice, would become a romantic by mere faithfulness to what he saw before him.”  Arthur Symons

75. “Venice never quite seems real, but rather an ornate film set suspended on the water.”  Frida Giannini

76. “This was Venice, the flattering and suspect beauty this city, half fairy tale and half tourist trap, in whose insalubrious air the arts once rankly and voluptuously blossomed, where composers have been inspired to lulling tones of somniferous eroticism.”  Thomas Mann

77. “It’s so easy for me to get caught up in the feeling of a city like Venice, where everything is just beautiful color and gorgeous buildings that are so peaceful. You can roam around and get lost in the Labyrinth.”  Nanette Lepore

78. “I always wanted to go to Venice. It’s supposed to be the romance capital of the world.” Gordon Korman

79. “I cannot write about Venice; I can only write about me, and the sleeping parts of myself that Venice has shocked into wakefulness.” Jessica Zafra

80. “All the cities in the world are, more or less, similar to one another. Venice is like no other.”  Carlo Goldoni

Best Italy Quotes and Captions about Florence

Florence isn’t just any other city, but rather a feeling. These dreamy Florence quotes and captions mentioned below are a great reminder of its incredible architecture and beauty. Some of them are also good for a short and sweet Instagram caption for your Florence pictures.

81. “Everything about Florence seems to be colored with a mild violet, like diluted wine.”  Henry James

82. “And when I thought of Florence, it was like a miracle city embalmed.” Marcel Proust

83. “Visiting Florence was like attending a surprise party every day.”  Jennifer Coburn

84. “In Paris, you learn wit, in London you learn to crush your social rivals, and in Florence you learn poise.”  Virgil Thomson

85. “We are fortunate. Florence isn’t just the cradle of art – It is a city that celebrated the art of living well.” National Geographic.

86. “Sure, Florence is touristy. But where else can you stroll the same pedestrian streets walked by Michelangelo, Leonardo, and Botticelli while savouring the world’s best gelato?” Rick Steves

87. “Through these old streets I wander dreamily; Around me Florence sweeps her busy tide of life.”  William Leighton

88. “To see the sun sink down, drowned on his pink and purple and golden floods, and overwhelm Florence with tides of color that make all the sharp lines dim and faint and turn the solid city to a city of dreams, is a sight to stir the coldest nature, and make a sympathetic one drunk with ecstasy.” Mark Twain

89. “Tonight I watched the sun set at Ponte Vecchio. I think it’s safe to say I have finally found the place that feels right to me. I just can’t believe I had to come halfway across the world to find it.”  Jenna Evans Welch

90. “Florence’s is a subtle beauty – its staid, unprepossessing palaces built in local stone are not showy, even though they are very large. They take on a certain magnificence when day breaks and when the sun sets; their muted colors glow in this light.”  Fodors

91. “The very beginning of European aesthetics started from Florence. Everything here was beauty, money, and creativity, the power of the good money.”  Alessandro Michele

Best Italy Quotes and Captions about Tuscany

Tuscany is a beautiful region in Italy that should not be missed. These Tuscany quotes and captions will help you best describe the beauty of its unique landscape of lush vineyards and beautiful countryside.

92. “It is the house of my dreams. My Tuscan dream!” Kate Fitzroy

93. “Maybe money can’t buy happiness, but it can get you a nice little villa in Tuscany, and that’s close enough for me.”  Lois Greiman

94. “Tuscany is a storybook landscape, home to medieval home towns, fabled wines and, as crucible of the Renaissance, an unrivalled collection of artistic masterpieces.”

95. “One of my ambitions is to move to Tuscany. I like the idea of getting a vineyard. I love being under the sun and being casual and comfortable. That’s my idea of heaven.” Paolo Nutini

96. “Tuscany is so full of history and beauty – you meet wonders of art and architecture on almost every corner. But I love the region’s homier aspects: the special sweetness of the tomatoes, the soft mozzarella, the heady scents of basil and garlic everywhere.”  Trudie Styler

97. “The Tuscan countryside whizzed by in a kaleidoscopic whirl of shapes and colors. Green grass and trees melded with blue sky, purple and yellow wildflowers, peachy-orange villas, brown-and-gray farmhouses, and the occasional red-and-white Autogrill, Italy’s (delicious) answer to fast food.”  Jenny Nelson

Quotes and Captions about Other Italian Cities and Regions

The Cliff Houses in Positano

Although Rome, Venice, Florence and the entire region of Tuscany are beautiful places to visit in Italy, the country has a lot more than just that. Here are some inspiring quotes about the Amalfi Coast, Sicily, Milan, Bologna and more.

98. “Here we are at last. The Italian proverb says “See Naples and die” but I say, see Naples and live; for there seems a great deal worth living for.”  Arthur John Strutt

99. “Positano bites deep. It is a dream place that isn’t quite real when you are there and becomes beckoningly real after you have gone.” John Steinbeck

100. “Capri on the Amalfi Coast in Italy is my ultimate holiday destination.” Vidal Sassoon

101. “They say that when Judgement day comes, the people of Amalfi will have no change in life, for they are already living in paradise…”  Melissa Hill

102. “The best place to go in Italy for a summer holiday is the island of Sardinia.”  Gino D’Acampo

103. “To have seen Italy without having seen Sicily is not to have seen Italy at all, for Sicily is the clue to everything.”  Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

104. “When you write the story of two happy lovers, let the story be set on the banks of Lake Como.”  Franz Liszt

105. “Milan is beautiful in fog, like a woman with a veil.”  Ornella Vanoni

106. “Delicious Verona! With its beautiful old buildings and the lovely countryside. With its quite Roman bridges. With marble churches, towers, rich architecture that overlooks the ancient and quiet streets where resound the cries of the Montecchi and Capulets.”  Charles Dickens

107. “Bologna is the best city in Italy for food and has the least number of tourists. With its medieval beauty, it has it all.”  Mario Batali

108. “I’m definitely looking forward to the day when I stop working – if I ever stop working. I like the idea of keeling over in my tomato vines in Sardinia or northern Italy.”  Anthony Bourdain

109. “I know Verona as I do my own body.” Lois Leveen

110.. “Verona is a very beautiful city, but Siena just never ceases to fascinate me.”  Anne Fortier

111. “There was a magical timelessness to Capri, a special atmosphere, and a sense of history.”  Kitty Pilgrim

112. “There is not in Italy what there is in Sardinia, nor in Sardinia, what there is in Italy.”  Francesco Cetti

113. “Sicily is a blessed land. First, because of its geographic position in the Mediterranean. Second, for its history and all the different peoples who have settled there: Arabs, Greeks, Normans, the Swedes. That has made us different from others. We exaggerate, we overdo. We love Greek tragedy. We cry, we fight, sometimes for nothing.”  Marcello Giordani

114. “If bliss could be a color, today would be Amalfi Blue.”  Lisa Fantino

115. “Naples is curiously chaotic and, if I’m honest, a bit dilapidated. It certainly has a ‘lived-in’ look. It’s alive, it’s vibrant, it’s a little bit dirty, it’s busy, and I loved it. I felt like this was how Rome would probably have been 2,000 years ago. There’s a real bustle, and it’s down and dirty.”  Paul Hollywood

116. “For many, the gastronomic heart of Italy is the Emilia-Romagna region. Its capital is Bologna, which is often overlooked by tourists but has a beautiful historic center and a lively yet chilled-out atmosphere.”  Gino D’Acampo

117. “My favorite thing about Milan is that you see these guys, and it’s as if a spaceship came out of the most attractive planet invented and just dropped them off all across the city.”  Brad Goreski

118. “Italy without Sicily leaves no image in the spirit. It is in Sicily that is the key to everything […] The purity of the contours, the softness of everything, the exchange of soft colors, the harmonious unity of the sky with the sea and the sea to the land…Who saw them once, shall possess them for a lifetime.”  Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Short Italian Food Quotes and Captions for Instagram

Italian food is one of the most delicious cuisines out there. I don’t think that I have ever come across a person who doesn’t enjoy demolishing a plate of freshly made pasta or cherish a Neapolitan pizza. Here are some short quotes and captions about Italian food that would be perfect for your next picture of gelato, pizza or pasta:

119. “Everything you see I owe to pasta.”  Sophia Loren

120. “Italy will always have the best food.”  Diane von Furstenberg

121. “When in Italy, carbs are no longer a sin!”

122. “Life is a combination of magic and pasta.”  Federico Fellini

123. “There’s nothing more romantic than Italian food.”  Elisha Cuthbert

124. “In Italy, they add work and life on to food and wine.”  Robin Leach

125. “Came to Italy for the sights, stayed for the gelato.”

126. “Italian food really reflects the people. It reflects like a prism that fragments into regions.”  Lidia Bastianich

127. “I spent a college semester in a small town in Italy – and that is where I truly tasted food for the first time.”  Alton Brown

Thoughtful Italian Food Quotes and Captions

Looking for something more than a one-liner to express your love of Italian food? These meaningful words about Italian cuisine might just be spot-on in that case.

128. “I love my pizza so much, in fact, that I have come to believe in my delirium that my pizza might actually love me, in return. I am having a relationship with this pizza, almost an affair.”  Elizabeth Gilbert

129. “I love the simplicity, the ingredients, the culture, the history and the seasonality of Italian cuisine. In Italy people do not travel. They cook the way grandma did, using fresh ingredients and what is available in season.”  Anne Burrell

130. “You know, people come to Italy for all sorts of reasons, but when they sat, it’s for the same two things.” “What?” “Love and gelato.” Jenna Evans Welch

131. “Italian food is seasonal. It is simple. It is nutritionally sound. It is flavorful. It is colorful. It’s all the things that make for a good eating experience, and it’s good for you.”  Lidia Bastianich

132. “Polenta is to northern Italy what bread is to Tuscany, what pasta is to Emilia-Romagna and what rice is to the Veneto: easy to make, hungry to absorb other flavors, and hugely versatile.”  Yotam Ottolenghi

133. “Italian cuisine is the most famous and beloved cuisine in the world for a reason. Accessible, comforting, seemingly simple but endlessly delicious, it never disappoints, just as it seems to never change.”  Matt Goulding

134. “So… Italian gelato. Take the deliciousness of a regular ice-cream cone, times it by a million, then sprinkle it with crushed-up unicorn horns.”  Jenna Evans Welch

135. “It is in nature of Italian to live life with a positive tone and to celebrate the invitations that come along in life. Italian food is so conducive to all of that.” Linda Bastianich

Best Italian Food Puns for Instagram

Who doesn’t appreciate a good pun? Whether you are looking for hilarious pizza, pasta or dessert puns; I am sure you will find something witty for your next Italian food photo below.

136. “Penne for your thoughts?”

137. “You Cannoli do so much on one vacation.”

138. “Espresso Yourself.”

139. “Leaving a Pizza My Heart in Italy.”

140. “Here today, gone tomato.”

141. “We’re so sad that our thyme in Italy is coming to an end.”

142. “I olive you.”

143. “Italy, I know when I leave I’m going tiramisu terribly!”

144. “I’m not alfreddo tell you that I’m in love with Italy!”

145. “I don’t gnocchi how I’m ever gonna leave this place.”

146. “Words can’t espresso how much you mean to me.”

147. “My favorite instrument is the lemoncello.”

148. “If you tell me a secret, I’ll never tagliatelle a soul.”

Best Italy Cities and Landmarks Puns for Instagram

If you are looking for puns about famous Italian cities, attractions and landmarks, then here are a few of my favourite captions that will help describe some of the Incredible sights in Italy.

149. “You Wanna Pisa Me?”

150. “Dress warm at the Vatican, it’s a bit gold.”

151. “It’s impossible to ruin the view of the Colosseum.”

152. “Just Roman around.”

153. “Here today, gondola tomorrow!”

154. “Caught in a bad Rome-ance.”

155. “Lucca over there!”

156. “Have you ever Siena prettier city?”

157. “Enjoying one Last Supper in Milan!”

158. “Bring a jacket to Florence in winter. It’s Firenze-ing out here!”

159. “We shore do love our time here on the Amalfi Coast!”

160. “The Amalfi Coast is Positano-ly lovely!”

161. “Dear Italy, I am Postiano-ly in love with you”

162. “What a rem-arc-able country!”

163. “Turin around, bright eyes.”

164. “Going, going, gondola.”

165. “St. Mark’s the Spot.”

Funny Quotes and captions about Italy

Is humour more of your thing? These funny Italy quotes and captions might be exactly what you are looking for.

166. “Every Pizza is a Personal Pizza if you try hard and believe in yourself.” Bill Murray

167. “The trouble with eating Italian food is that five or six days later you’re hungry again.”  George Miller

168. “I’m a pretty calm person. That came from living in Italy for a long time. Nothing works, nothing is on time. You have to learn to deal with it.” Tom Ford

169. “Travel is not finding yourself, it’s about Finding Pizza.”

170. “If you deconstruct Italy, you will, in the end, see a grapevine, a tomato, and a small boy hammering a shard of marble.”  Pietros Maneos

171. “I once went to Alba, Italy, during their white truffle festival, and I was like, ‘Just leave me here!” Amber Valletta 

Beautiful Quotes and Sayings about Italian Culture

One of the best things about Italy is its culture. Italian people are known around the world for their love for food, deep passion, and a joyous lifestyle. If you have ever been to Italy, then chances are that the culture there is something that has left a striking impression on you. Here are some words that best describe the Italian way of living life.

172. “Italy is the last country where people savor the joy of living. It makes us believe it even when Italy herself has ceased to believe.”  Roger Peyrefitte

173. “I spent five years in Italy, and the Italians have a slightly different lifestyle. Everything is a bit slower and more easygoing. You can feel that when you live there; you become a little more relaxed about typically ‘German’ things like accuracy and punctuality.”  Miroslav Klose

174. “Italian style is a natural attitude. It is about a life of good taste. It doesn’t have to be expensive. Simple but with good taste. Luxury is possible to buy. Good taste is not.” Diego Della Valle

175. “Il bel far niente means ‘the beauty of doing nothing’… [it] has always been a cherished Italian ideal. The beauty of doing nothing is the goal of all your work, the final accomplishment for which you are most highly congratulated. The more exquisitely and delightfully you can do nothing, the higher your life’s achievement. You don’t necessarily need to be rich in order to experience this, either.”  Elizabeth Gilbert

176. “I think people in Italy live their lives better than we do. It’s an older country, and they’ve learned to celebrate dinner and lunch, whereas we sort of eat as quickly as we can to get through it.”  George Clooney

177. “The Italians have their priorities right: They’re driven, they do their work, but they really enjoy the day-to-day and they don’t put off the enjoyment of the everyday for some future goal.”  Frances Mayes

178. “Italy – I love the late-night culture, hanging around the square at midnight with everyone, catching up, and having a drink.”  Gemma Chan

179. “There is in the DNA of the Italians a bit of madness, which in the overwhelming majority of cases is positive. It is genius. It is talent. It’s the masterpieces of art. It’s the food, fashion, everything that makes Italy great in the world.”  Matteo Renzi

180. “Italy is a hot country. Wherever you feel heat, your excitement and passion come out. We’re hot-blooded, and where there’s passion there’s love, but also anger, hunger, excitement.”  Gino D’Acampo

181. “Italian culture is so deeply soaked in an appreciation of the good things in life.”  Mariska Hargitay

182. “In Italy, food is an expression of love. It is how you show those around you that you care for them. Having a love for food means you also have a love for those you are preparing it for and for yourself.”  Joe Bastianich

Best Italian proverbs and phrases

Do you like reading well known proverbs and phrases? These famous Italian sayings can make for a great caption or tag.

183. “L’amore vince sempre.” – “Love conquers all.”

184. “Il dolce far niente.” – “It is sweet doing nothing.”

185. “Bel Paese.” – “the beautiful country.”

186. “La Dolce Vita.” – “The sweet life.”

187. “Vedi Napoli e poi muori.” – “See Naples and die.”

188. “Mangia bene, ridi spesso, ama molto.” – “Eat well, laugh often, love much.”

189. “Una cena senza vino e come un giorno senza sole.” – “A meal without wine is a day without sunshine.”

190. “Noi non potemo avere perfetta vita senza amici.” – “We cannot have a perfect life without friends.” – Dante

191. “Aiutati che Dio t’aiuta.” – “Help yourself so that God will help you.”

192. “Il pane apre tutte le bocche.” – “Bread opens all mouths.”

193. “Veni, vidi, amavi.” – “We came, we saw, we loved.”

194. “Anni e bicchieri di vino non si contano mai.” – “Age and glasses of wine should not be counted.”

Famous Italy quotes from books and movies

The Colosseum, Rome

And lastly, here are some well-known books quotes and movie dialogues about Italy that are dreamy, poetic and full of wanderlust.

195. “Let’s go Rome.” Only You

196. “Buongiorno Principessa!”  Life is Beautiful

197. “I love the way Italy makes me feel like I’m home.” Ilene Modica, Our Italian Journey

198. “One doesn’t come to Italy for niceness,” was the retort; “one comes for life. Buon giorno! Buon giorno!” – E.M. ForsterA Room with a View

199. “As soon as I crossed the Italian border, my health and life seemed to be magically restored. There was the sun and there were the smiling Italians.” Tennessee Williams, Memoirs

200. “In Rome, one had simply to sit still and feel.” E.M. Forster, Where Angels Fear to Tread

201. “What is it about Italy that makes lady novelists reach such summits of absurdity?” – E.M. Forster, A room with a view

202. “Marcus Aurelius: What is Rome, Maximus? Maximus: I’ve seen much of the rest of the world. It is brutal and cruel and dark, Rome is the Light.” Gladiator

Final Thoughts

That’s a wrap! I hope that you liked this post about the 200+ best Italy quotes and captions and found them enjoyable to read. If this list helped you in finding an amazing Instagram caption for your Italy photos, then please let me know your favourite in the comments below. I love hearing from you!

In case this post has inspired you to explore more of Italy, then some of the most beautiful places to visit in the country are: The Blue Grotto in Amalfi Coast, the colourful houses of Burano, the breath-taking Dolomite mountains, the ever-so charming city of Florence, the beautiful town of Bellagio in Lake Como, and the picturesque island of Sicily.

Happy traveling, 
Charu xx

Want to keep reading? You may like “The 100+ Best India Travel Quotes & Captions For Instagram” and “The Ultimate Amalfi Coast Guide” too.


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